"2020" after tax bill which includes a sunset provision in 2026.
"2026 XT" hypothetical scenario that assumes the exemption increase will be extended indefinitely.
Total Assets
Fair Market Value of real estate, business interests, securities, cash, life insurance, annuities, and other property before gifts (if any).
Prior Gifts
Gifts are deducted from Gross Assets and Exemption in year 1. Lifetime maximum as of 2020 equals $11,58,000 (Single) or $23,160,000 (Married).
The annual gift exclusion amount is $15,000.
Growth Rate
Assumed rate at which taxable assets will grow with compound interest.
Inflation Rate
The exemption amount for each Tax Scenario is adjusted annually based on the assumed inflation rate:
State Level Taxes (if any):
State's maximum rate is the default value. User may enter a lower, blended rate.
Target Age (LE)
Corresponding values on Charts and Ledger are automatically updated / highlighted according to the value entered.
Effective Tax Rate
The net tax rate after the Exemption (Gross Estate / Net Estate).